Vacation Form
This form needs to be turned in BEFORE your student is absent to excuse it in our records. Each student may use up to 10 days of vacation (educational leave) each year.
Medication at School
This form needs to be on file at the school in order for students to be able to take/have medication at school. The form must be completed by a doctor and turned in before medication can be dispensed. Our school’s fax # is 801-302-4953.
School Lunch Deposit
Please fill it out a lunch money slip as completely as possible and attach it to any money (cash or check) turned into the school. You may also pay online through the Skyward Family Access site. It is easy to use and will send you automated email balance reminders.
Free or Reduced Lunch Application
Qualifying family incomes will allow school lunches to either be free of charge or offered at significantly reduced rates. Please call our lunch clerk if you have any questions about this process or visit the District Nutrition Website. A new application must be completed every year.
Diet Prescription for Meals at School Form
Our lunch manager can make substitutions for students who have special diet needs. In order to qualify, we must have a Diet Prescription for Meals at School Form signed by a recognized medical authority (physician, physician assistant, registered dietitian, registered nurse) indicating what foods should be substituted.