Riverside Elementary has adopted a simple set of school expectations that will clarify and guide behavior throughout the school.
Expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
These concepts will guide behavior expectations in all areas of the school. A matrix details what each of these rules looks like in different areas of the school. This matrix will be taught explicitly to all students. If ever a student is unclear what the expectations are in a particular area – they simply need to ask themselves: Is it Respectful? Is it Responsible? Is it a safe thing to do?
- Improved Self-Esteem
- Awards and Certificates
- Incentive Activities
- Assemblies
- Better Grades
- Respect for Other Students
- Respect for Teachers
- Respect for Parents
- Leader of the Month
- Classroom Parties/Activities
- Warning
- Loss of Privileges
- “Think Time” in another classroom
- Lunch Detention
- Conference with Administrator
- Student Disciplinary Report
- In-school suspension
- Out-of-school suspension
- Suspension to a district hearing
- Possible removal from school
Think Time
Because we are committed to a quality education for all students, we are continuing to implement a school-wide discipline plan. Every child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for social and academic growth. We have a set of well-defined rules designed to promote a safe, nurturing environment that is conducive to learning. To create such an environment, we teach, model, encourage, and reinforce appropriate behavior to help students follow classroom and school expectations.
We will continue to use "Think Time" when a student exhibits behavior that disrupts the classroom environment. The process involved with “Think Time” emphasizes the seriousness of education, respectfulness of the classroom environment, and the importance of students taking responsibility for their own behavior. Think Time has two parts. The first is designed to allow the student to focus and gain self-control by asking them to move to another classroom. The second is designed to reflect on their behavior with an opportunity to plan for future success in the classroom.
If your child is breaking a classroom or school rule, he/she will be given two opportunities to comply. If the behavior continues, various consequences may occur. One such consequence is a Think Time, in which a student will leave the classroom and report to another teacher's room. The cooperating teacher will provide a place for the student to sit and think about his/her actions, and then complete a Think Time form. Both the student and teacher will sign the form, then the student will return to their own classroom, hand the form to the teacher, and be seated to join the class once again. A copy of the Think Time form will be sent home for the parent to review, sign, and return the next day. Major infractions such as physical aggression, harassment, weapons, etc. will result in an automatic office referral with an administrator.
Aggression and Bullying
We are particularly concerned at Riverside Elementary about ensuring the safety of each student. Parents, please review the Code of Conduct with your child/children. We believe that your support will help create a safe and healthy environment for students to learn at Riverside Elementary.
Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior that is intentional, and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student or employee is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students or employees.
a. Physical bullying including but not limited to hitting and/or punching
b. Verbal bullying including but not limited to teasing or name calling
c. Non-verbal or emotional bullying including but not limited to intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression
d. The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
Cyberbullying is aggressive behavior that is sent via internet, cell phone, or another device to send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual, regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
Harassment is repeatedly communicating to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, statements that contribute to a hostile learning or work environment for the individual.
Retaliation is an act of communication intended:
a. As retribution against a person for reporting bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment; or
b. To improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying.
Riverside strives to follow district policy regarding bullying and cyber-bullying. Parents and students should report any incidents to the Principal or classroom teacher.
AA419 – Student Conduct Policy
JSD Policy – Bullying and Cyber-bullying (click to download)-
Respect is the key word in Jordan District’s Schools — respect for self, others and property. All students are expected to behave in a courteous and pleasant manner. Appropriate behaviors are expected in the classroom, on the playground, on buses, on the way to and from school, and at all school activities. Riverside students should abide by the following school rules for behavior in all areas of the school and playground:
1. I will listen, follow directions, and be prepared to learn each day.
2. I will keep my hands, feet and other objects to myself.
3. I will use positive actions and statements towards others. No swearing, crude or vulgar language, cruel put downs, name-calling or harassment will be tolerated at school.
4. I will walk and use appropriate voice level in the building.
5. I will always be in the proper place at the proper time.
6. I will use all materials and equipment properly.
7. I will be safe and respectful at school and in the community.
When students follow the school rules, they feel good about themselves, learn more and may earn extra privileges.
Building Conduct
Running in the school is not allowed. Students will be expected to enter and leave the building in an orderly, quiet, and safe manner, using their assigned door. They are also expected to walk to activities in a line as directed by their teacher. Disruptive items, including, but not limited to toys, electronic games and sports equipment should not be brought to school.
Restroom Conduct
Students are expected to show good judgment and proper behavior in all restroom areas.
- Cleanliness and good health habits are very important. Always flush the toilet and wash your hands.
- Be considerate of the people using the restroom after you. Please leave it clean.
- Restroom are not places to meet with your friends.
Student who write on the walls, misuse paper products or soap, or damage restroom property will be expected to pay for those repairs and will receive appropriate disciplinary action.
Lunchroom Conduct
Our lunchroom is designed to be a place where students can come and enjoy a meal with their classmates. While at lunch students are expected to do the following:
- Show respect for the supervisors at all times.
- Yelling is not allowed. Use appropriate voices.
- Help keep the lunchroom clean. Pick up all garbage.
- Never throw food or touch another student’s lunch.
- No running or trading seats after seated.
- Food never leaves the lunchroom!
Assembly Conduct
Programs and assemblies are scheduled throughout the school year. All attending students will be expected to follow rules and show respect for presenters by being attentive during the program and remaining seated. We encourage students to show appreciation by applauding politely, no yelling or “cat calls”.
Playground Conduct
These rules are in place for the overall safety and enjoyment of the student body when on the playground.
- We will not allow students to play in areas that are unsafe and/or unsupervised. This includes, but is not limited to; front lawns or sidewalks, parking lots, on or in trees, walls near main doors or kindergarten areas, by fences, bike racks or cages, or other areas that cannot be seen by supervisors.
- Balls, jump ropes, swings, slides, and other equipment should be used properly and safely.
- Contact games which include tackling, tripping, wrestling, or pushing will not be permitted at school.
- Leave snow on the ground. Throwing objects of any kind, including snow, ice, rocks, sticks, wood chips, and sand is not permitted.
- Sliding on the ice or lawns is not permitted.
- Students should always treat supervising adults with respect and follow their directions at all times.
- Fighting is not allowed. No one will be allowed to hit or otherwise abuse another student. This also includes “play fighting”. Suspension may be given to students who are fighting.
- Balls and other playground equipment may not be brought from home.