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Prevention Plan

Riverside Elementary Prevention Plan 2024-25
Riverside Elementary is an active community that values and empowers all. In a supportive, safe environment, students grow to become respectful, resilient, independent, critically-thinking people who better the world.

Prevention Plan Overview
Riverside Elementary School is committed to providing a safe and engaging learning environment for all students. This commitment includes ensuring that the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students are supported. To support all students, we encourage them to follow three simple guidelines: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful. In addition, our school prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to our students and their families. Some of our everyday efforts, including the systems and strategies for supporting our students are listed below:

Our school prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to our students and their families. Some of our everyday efforts, the systems and strategies for supporting our students are listed below:

  • Our school uses Panorama data management to identify students in need of additional support.
  • Our school has a Behavior and Emotional Support Team (BEST) composed of the Speech and Language Pathologist, School Psychologist, School Counselor,  Resource Teacher, EXCEL Teacher, Upper and Primary Grade Teacher, and Assistant Principal.
    • This team meets monthly to review behavior data and to proactively address concerns based on the data.
    • The BEST Team will work in conjunction with the MTSS/PBIS team to evaluate the effectiveness of the current PBIS efforts and make recommendations for improvement.
    • Plan and implement “mini-skills” trainings for teachers to support classroom management (i.e. Zones of Regulation, Effective Use of Behavior Contracts, etc.).
  • Our school includes students in the production of the daily Morning News cast. Morning news may include:
    • Daily messages
    • Review coping strategies
    • Review behavior expectations
    • Review social skills
  • Our school uses a Response to Intervention (RtI) team meeting to discuss specific students’ needs. This includes a data review of  academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. Team members include: Parents, School Administrators, Classroom Teacher, and additional support staff as needed.
    • Specific interventions are developed, recorded, and monitored over a period of time to assess effectiveness of planned interventions.
  • School-based Counseling support offered to students needing additional support.
  • Wellness room provided for students staffed by a certified teacher.
    • The Wellness Room is designed for students to identify dysregulated emotions and practice regulation skills.
  • Zones of Regulation student and staff training conducted each school year.
    • Supports students to identify their emotions, understand which Zone they are in, and use tools to self regulate.
  • Our school has a Safety Committee composed of: A grade level representative, school administration, school custodian, and lead office administrative assistant.
    • Discuss monthly safety procedures and drills.
    • Plan teacher duty schedule and placement to promote safety before and after school.
  • Our school implements Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
    • Behavior expectation posters throughout the school
    • Behavior matrix
    • Teacher training
    • Review of referral data
    • Annual behavior expectations review with all students at the beginning of the school year.
  • Our school has an attendance committee dedicated to identifying reasons for chronic absences, supporting those students, and rewarding improvements in attendance.
  • Our school provides access to District mental health and support resources through Student Services which includes the Jordan Family Education Center and Mental Health Access Program.
  • Our school provides access to academic support with District departments to support the success of every student.
  • Our school’s mental health providers (school counselors, school psychologists, or clinical support) are trained and supported by District administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts.
  • Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from District specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
  • Our school provides access to parent and family resources including a District partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connection, evening parent seminars, and classes through the Jordan Family Education Center.

Suicide Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s mental health providers and administrators are trained on and review District suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with support from Jordan District’s Student Services Team.
  • Our school uses Zones of Regulation and trauma informed practices for staff and students to help them understand and manage their emotions and identify appropriate solutions to any given situation.
  • Our school has a Wellness Room with a licensed teacher who supports students by teaching them specific regulation skills to support them and referring them to the school counselor if needed.
  • Our school teaches positive social skills and coping strategies on a weekly basis during In Focus.
  • Our school uses Check-In / Check-Out as a Tier II prevention tool to support the ongoing emotional needs of students.
  • All of our school’s licensed staff participate in suicide prevention training for their license renewal
  • Students identified who may be at risk of suicide receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include a screening interview (CSSR-S), parent/guardian contact, a safety plan, mental health recommendations/referrals (JFEC, MHAP, etc.), a re-entry meeting, and regular follow-up.
  • Our school participates in the SafeUT program, which alerts school Administrators and School Counselor of any concerns submitted through the SafeUT app.
  • Student support is available by the school counselor, psychologist and Wellness Room teacher for identified students needing additional emotional support during the school day.

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention Plan

  • Our school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate, safety, and bullying by identifying vulnerable populations (e.g., racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ youth, students with disabilities) and specific spaces where bullying may be likely to plan supports accordingly.
  • Our school’s staff is trained on school procedures for recognizing, reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and responding to bullying incidents.
  • All reports of suspected bullying are investigated and appropriate administrative action is taken to address the identified concerns.
  • Our school administrators and school counselor document incidents in Skyward according to State requirements.
  • Students involved in incidents of bullying as targets, aggressors, or witnesses receive support for their individual needs which may include suicide risk assessments, counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), a student wellness plan and/or parent/guardian contact—recognizing that targets, aggressors, and witnesses of bullying are more susceptible to school problems.
  • Our school does an annual bully prevention assembly.
    • Weekly bully prevention lessons during bully prevention month
  • Our school has an anonymous incident reporting system
    • Paper copies of incident reports located at various locations around the school.
    • Reports can be turned in to the office
    • All reports are investigated by the next school day.
  • Our school uses restorative practices to help students resolve conflicts and repair relationships.

Violence Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s administrators, School Counselor,  School Psychologists are trained on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG).
  • Our school has a process for timely response to school threats using Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) and its decision tree. This includes warning potential victims and their parents/guardians.
  • Our school’s staff and students are aware of school procedures for recognizing and reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring etc.) threats of violence.
  • Students who are affected by or who make threats of violence receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include problem solving, C-STAG interviews, suicide risk assessments, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Restorative Conferencing, Mediation, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP) a student wellness plan and/or parent contact.
  • School-based Counseling support offered to students needing additional support.
    • Positive social skills such as: respect, empathy, kindness, conflict resolution, etc.
  • Zones of Regulation student and staff training conducted each school year.
  • Supports students to identify their emotions, understand which Zone they are in, and use tools to self regulate.
  • Our school has a Safety Committee composed of: A grade level representative, school administration, school custodian, and lead office administrative assistant.
    • Discuss monthly safety procedures and drills.
    • Discuss ways to improve student attendance.
    • Plan teacher duty schedule and placement to promote safety before and after school.

Additional Strategies

  • We engage in community building activities to promote connectedness among students, staff, parents, and the community. These activities may include:
  • Annual Back to School Night
  • Math/Literacy Night
  • Books and Breakfast
  • Grandparents Day
  • Buddy Lunch
  • PTA Community/Culture Nights
  • Field Day
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Watch Dogs
  • Encourage volunteers to support inside and outside of the classroom.