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Homework Help

Multiplication and Division Fluency Videos

Brain FuseOpens in a new window – This is a free online tutoring resource available to us through the Salt Lake County Library system (K-12). Get your library card handy and get some extra help between 2pm-11pm.  Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies. You can submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback. You can even submit homework questions for expert guidance.

Learn ZillionOpens in a new window – Here you can find short video tutorials organized by unit and lesson for each grade level. This is a fantastic and free resource for math. It may prompt you to create a free account before you can access the video helps. Go ahead and create that account, but click on the teacher tab. Enter in your name, email, and password then select “parent” from the role drop down menu. It will ask you to select the grade levels you’re interested in. Once you’re account is created you will be able to gain quick access to the video tools available to us.

Think Central Opens in a new window– This site will give you access to your student’s textbooks online. There are also some helpful digital resources organized by topic (fractions, geometry, etc.).  The username and password to this site is your student’s 7-digit ID number (lunch number). You can find this from their Skyward account.

Khan AcademyOpens in a new window – this is a wonderful resource that is free to the public. You can search for video tutorials by topic on any math subject.

Homework Help and Math Expressions Models

What is the curriculum? This is “the what” we teach, not necessarily “the how” it is taught. Teachers use textbooks as resources to help them teach the Utah Core StandardsOpens in a new window.


Homework guidelines teachers follow IF meaningful homework practice is assigned:

  • Kindergarten: 20 minutes of reading & up to 10 minutes of other work
  • 1st Grade: 20 minutes of reading & up to 15 minutes of other work
  • 2nd Grade: 20 minutes of reading & up to 20 minutes of other work
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Grades: 20 minutes of reading & up to 30 minutes of other work