Students have the opportunity to earn an Eagle Award that is presented at our year end Award Ceremony. The requirements for each grade are listed below.
KINDERGARTEN (Complete 15 out of 22)
- Attend school regularly and arrive on time
- Excellent classroom behavior
- Say the Pledge of Allegiance
- Write first and last name correctly
- Identify all alphabet letter names and sounds, including sh, th, ch, wh
- Read all 80 Kindergarten Sight Words
- Write all 80 Kindergarten Sight Words
- Read a D level text or higher for guided reading
- Identify punctuation (period, exclamation point, question mark)
- Identify colors and read color words (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, gray, brown, pink)
- Name, count, and write the numbers 0-20
- Write the numbers 0-30 in order
- Count to 100 by 1’s
- Count to 100 by 10’s
- Complete 9 Addition/Subtraction Equations in 1 minute (within 0-5)
- Name 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon)
- Name 3D shapes (sphere, cylinder, cube, cone)
- Complete home reading for 6 months and return reading calendars (Sept-April)
- Say parent’s cell phone number
- Say home address
- Say birthday
- Identify left and right
FIRST GRADE (Complete 7 out of 11)
- Earn 100% on 10 or more spelling tests.
- Write first and last name.
- Say your address and phone number from memory.
- Complete at least 3 book reports, in English or Spanish.
- Addition facts to 20 with 90% accuracy.
- Subtraction facts to 20 with 90% accuracy.
- Write the numbers 1-120 correctly.
- Meet the APTT Reading Goal.
- Meet the APTT Math Goal.
- Write 3 original stories and present to class.
- Read at least 95 of the first grade high frequency words.
SECOND GRADE (Complete 8 out of 11)
- Pass off the addition facts, fluently.
- Pass off the subtraction facts, fluently.
- *Complete 100 minutes of home reading each week for 24 weeks.
- *Fluently read 80% of the words from the 100 Irregularly Spelled Words list.
- *Correctly spell 80% of the words from the 100 Irregularly Spelled Words list.
- Memorize and recite 3 new poems to your class.
- *Complete 4 written book reports and turn in by the due date assigned.,
- Locate and label the following: the seven continents, the five oceans, the poles, and the equator.
- Achieve all 4's in each category on the writing success criteria (Narrative, Informational and Opinion)
- Receive an "Excellent" in "Follows Classroom Rules: for 2 reporting periods.
- *Prepare and present a “Great Brain” research report.
*Starred items must be completed at home and returned to school by due date
THIRD GRADE (complete 8 of 13)
- Read 20 more words per minute on the DIBLES test by the end of the year
- Complete a Career museum presentation, present it, and participate in the Museum.
- Write each of the letters and your name in cursive correctly by the end of the year.
- Participate in an after school program.
- Run a mile in 9:00 minutes.
- Complete 10 acts of kindness AT SCHOOl, write about them in a paragraph, and turn them into your teacher.
- Complete fact fluency for all facts 1-10.
- Complete and turn in 7 book reports throughout the year.
- Write a narrative about community helpers or how you have helped the community.
- Create a book of 10 story problems (including multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction) solve them by showing different strategies.
- Be at a proficient score in solving word problems.
- Receive all excellent scores for one grading period in behavior.
- Have 80% attendance for the whole school year.
FOURTH GRADE (complete 9 out of 12)
- Participate in PTA Reflections.
- Receive an "Excellent" in "Follows Classroom Rules" for 2 reporting periods.
- Receive an "Excellent" in "Completes Work as Assigned" for 2 reporting periods.
- No more than two tardies/early check-outs per term and no more than 9 absences for the year.
- Complete the 40 book challenge.
- Complete all assigned book reports or projects.
- Master multiplication facts (1-10) with 90% accuracy in 5 minutes.
- Join the Recycling Team and complete job with care.
- 30% improvement from Pre- to Post-Math or Reading tests OR 80% average (or higher) for all Math or Reading benchmark tests.
- Participate in an extracurricular activity (sports team, instrument, boy/girl scouts) or school sponsored activity (student council, Soaring Singers).
- Complet Mrs. Adams' 100-mile Challenge.
- Teacher Choice
FIFTH GRADE (complete 9 out of 13)
- Achieve 95% attendance for the school year (can't miss more than 9 days)
- Have less than 9 total tardies for the school year.
- Memorize the Preamble to the Constitution and recite to teacher.
- Complete one narrative, one opinion and one informational paper during the school year.
- Complete a social studies OR science report during the school year.
- Pass off all multiplication facts.
- Publish an original story at home to share with the teacher.
- Pass off all states and capitals with teacher.
- Participate in PTA Reflections.
- Receive all "E" s or “S”s in Citizenship for two reporting periods.
- Participate in an extracurricular activity (sports, instrument, boy/girl scouts, etc) or a school sponsored activity (Student Council, Soaring Singers)
- Present an oral report to the class
- Write an experience about a time when you used grit within growth mindset and how it helped you become better.
SIXTH GRADE (complete 10 out of 14)
1.Earn all E’s in Academic and Behavior Citizenship for two reporting periods.
2. Complete all assignments for one reporting period.
3. Earn an 85%, or show 25% growth, on two interim math benchmarks.
4. Earn a 4 in Spelling/Vocabulary for one reporting period.
5. Have Data Notebook signed by parents 6 times during the school year.
6. Achieve a reading goal of 150 minutes per week or 600 minutes per month.
7. Publish three pieces of high quality writing.
8. Turn in 8 out of the 9 required book reports.
9. Participate in the PTA Reflections or Arbor Day contests.
10. Math Fluency improvement 6 out of 8 months.
11. Achieve 98% attendance for the year.
12. Have no tardies for two reporting periods.
13. Participate in three extracurricular or community service activities. List them. Needs a parent signature.
14. Participate in three school leadership activities. List them.
Students will be awarded their Eagle Awards during the end of the year awards ceremonies. Requirements are typically due by the beginning of May.