Riverside Elementary
Pick-up and Drop-off Guidelines
We urgently ask that you do the following when here on campus:
The following guidelines have been developed with our students’ safety in mind. Students’ safety should always take priority over convenience. Your cooperation in complying with these guidelines is appreciated.
- When pulling into the south parking lot, please pull forward, when possible, to allow other patrons to enter this zone. (Please do not get out of your car in this area.) Pull forward as far as possible to allow more cars to use this lane. Students enter playground through Gate A or Gate B. Vehicles are to stay in the lane closest to the building and pull all the way forward before loading/unloading students. Once you have loaded/unloaded students, you may then pull into the left lane and exit.
- If you need to enter the building, please park in a designated parking space and enter the building.
- Please do not park on the west side of 1220 West and request your children to cross in the middle of a busy street. If you unload on the west side of the street, students must use the crosswalk at 8830 South or 8680 South. They must not cross the street except at the crosswalks.
- To avoid the congestion in the school parking lot, some of you may want to drop your children off along the fence line between the crosswalk on 8830 South and the school. Have students unload on the east side of the street, and exit your vehicle on the passenger side. Students would then follow the sidewalk to the school entrance and playground. Please refer to the map.
- The “through-lane” is to remain open at all times. Please do not stop, wait, park in this area or have your child enter or exit the vehicle while you are in the through-lane.
- Patrons who park in the west section of the parking lot should not beckon their children to cross from the sidewalk through the pick-up/drop-off zone and “through-lane” to meet them at their parked car. Instead, patrons should exit their vehicle and escort the children from the sidewalk back to their car.
- Please note the “No waiting or parking" zones located near the entrance, exit and north side of the school. Your cooperation in keeping these areas clear is appreciated.
- The north parking lot is reserved for school bus use only.
- Please follow all traffic and safety laws and refrain from using devices that can be distracting.