Mrs. Jerilyn Schafer - Principal 801-565-7484
Robbie Dalley - 801-898-8072 Chair
Megan Dahlgren 801-440-3855 Vice-Chair
Chelsea Reid - 801-913-7492
Meghan Shelby 801-473-6645
Laurie Gilbert 801-636-7387
Laura Skidmore 801-618-7048
Laura Barton 801-565-7484. Teacher Representative
Tamara Baggett 801-565-7484. Faculty Representative
Rules of Order
2024-2025 SCC Meeting Schedule
Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:45 p.m.
Special Session to Elect Chair and Vice Chair-
Meetings are held at 3:45 in the Collaboration Room.
2024-2025 Land Trust and TSSA Plans
2023-2024 School Year
Agendas | Minutes |
SCC Meeting 10.18.23 Agenda | SCC Meeting Minutes 10.18.23 |
SCC Meeting 01.31.24 Agenda | SCC Meeting Minutes 01.31.24 |
SCC Meeting 03.13.24 Agenda | |
2022-2023 School Year
SCC Training_Riverside 2022.pptx
2021 - 2022 School Year
SCC Training 2021-2022 School Year
2020 - 2021 School Year
Parents are encouraged to be on the School Community Council. The council is made up of school employees and parents who have at least one student attending Riverside. Council members contribute to help improve academic performance and help to determine how School Land Trust Funds will be spent. This year we received $86,619.00 in School Land Trust money. Meetings are informal and anyone can attend. We use the following Rules of Order;
1. Voting items must be posted on the agenda one week prior to a meeting
2. Votes require a motion and a second in the meeting before a vote is taken.
3. Any change or new action item requires a majority vote of 1.
4. Only SCC members are eligible to vote and SCC members must be present to vote or have sent in their vote by email to the SCC Chair prior to the meeting.